Great post! I am inspired by this to be more deliberate about the time I spend every morning towards my software development learning. The graphic at the beginning explaining how we have to keep our goals up-to-date in an ever changing landscape made things clearer for me. There is a certain amount of detachment we have to cultivate with our goals and learnings because the environment can and will change.

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Thanks Shah! The "detachment mindset" is an excellent point. I love how XP has taught me to be detached from the code I write. I agree with you the concept can extend beyond that, however.

Perhaps we can also benefit from a detachment from languages and frameworks, as well as practices and tools. And even more deeply -- from our knowledge and understanding. Opinions are nothing more than a distillation of that, so maybe the common adage, "strong opinions loosely held", hints at this "detachment mindset" too.

I noted it down as a possible topic for a future post. Thanks again for making me think! 😊

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